Thursday, July 24, 2008

About Money

With Money you can
buy a house, but not a home

With Money you can
buy a clock, but not time

With Money you can
buy a bed, but not sleep

With Money you can
buy a book, but not knowledge

With Money you can
see a doctor, but not good health

With Money you can
buy a position, but not respect

With Money you can
buy blood, but not life

With Money you can
buy sex, but not L O V E

1 comment:

wongsosubali_cool said...

bagus bgt prosa "about money". klo di renungken lebih dalem lg emang benar adanya..hanya saja kita sebagai manusia ga nyadari itu. yg ada hanyalah have fun 'n enjoy aja ! (umar 088 82 82 34 79)